How to Claim back your Home after the Summer Holidays - Linen and Letters

How to Claim back your Home after the Summer Holidays

Back to School

The summer holidays can be pretty long and a little bit stressful for parents. There are children to entertain, things to plan in and plenty of days sat at home wondering what kind of whirlwind hit it.

Once the kids go back to school, then it is time to breath a big sigh of relief. No longer do you need to worry about keeping them busy, but instead, you can look at claiming back your home for yourself.

Here at Linen and Letters we want to make sure that you know exactly how to make your home your own again. Which is why we have put together some top tips for how to claim back your home after the summer holidays.

Sort out those toys

Chances are, just like us, you become a little more lax on the toy situation in your home during the summer holidays. After all, a few extra boxes of toys lying around as a swap for some peace and quiet seems pretty fair to us. Once the kids are back to school, it might make sense to give all those toys a good sort out.  You never know, you might find some that they are not playing with anymore and can be donated or sold on.

Give the house a thorough clean

When you are busy looking after your kids, you have less time to do the things that you would usually do. This means that tasks such as cleaning are less likely to get done. One of the first tasks that you might want to plan in once they are back to school is a thorough clean up operation. This will often focus on the kitchen and bathroom, as well as other areas too. You can even do things such as take down your tie up curtains and get them washed too.

Put away all those summer clothes

The kids going back to school are a sign that the cooler weather is likely to be on its way. This means that it might be a good idea to put away those summer clothes and store away until you get the chance to get them out again. This will clear up some space and make sure that your home is looking less wild and more lived in.

So, now you know, there are simple ways that you can freshen up your home and make sure that you claim it back after your kids taking it over for a few months.

Why not treat yourself to some of the high quality sheer curtains that we stock on our website? They are not only great for making sure that you get that much sought after shabby chic look, but that you also get some privacy too.

Not only can you use them on your windows, but you can also use them to create separate areas within a house, such as in a kitchen or living space. They are easy to hang and even easier to wash. Which makes them ideal for cottage décor or even just a gorgeous family home. 

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